Sunday, September 2, 2012

Today we had our very first 1st grade chinese class! It was fun and the kids were so cute! We learned 6 sounds and the shapes that went with them. That class was from 8:40-9:15 it was lots of fun and we did get quite the workout riding our bikes a couple of miles uphill to get to the school.

Now we are at the Jr. High where Noah is starting classes today. He is going to be here every day from 11am-4pm. He will be taking Math, Boy Scouts, Home economics, English (maybe), P.E., Consulting, Art, Performance, Geography and 7th grade Chinese. These are all subject to change if he can't understand what is going on then we will try to find some other classes for him. Also the only reason he would take there English class would be to help out if it is not needed then he will just come home early to do homeschool.

This weekend we went shrimp fishing! I know sounds crazy and it was a little but it was lots of fun. Justin and Noah each caught 5 huge shrimp. I took lots of pictures so I will try to get them uploaded sometime this week. I can only upload pictures at the Jr. High (where Justin works) and if he needs his laptop in class then I can't do it at all.  We also went to Cosco! It is just like a Sams and it had tons of american products. :) The biggest difference was that you have to pay in cash only and there was 10 times the people that Sams in Fayetteville has ever had and it is that busy every day! I enjoyed it though. We were able to buy a jumbo Skippy peanut butter and jelly. So I know what Noah is going to want every day :)

We got our ARC cards so we will be singing up for internet and cellphones this week. I also got our address!!! If you send anything to us it needs to have the address in english and chinese. So my suggestion would be to print it out and tape it to the envelope or box.

No.27, Aly. 12, Ln. 136, Yingbei Rd.
Nantou City, Nantou County 540, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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