Monday, September 10, 2012

Noah's Birthday

Happy Birthday Noah!!! My sweet little boy turned 13 in Taiwan this past Saturday.  We had lots of fun preparing for his birthday. It was a big deal to make him a birthday cake. I had to go to a friends sister in laws houses. There are not very many people in Taiwan that have an oven in there house. It is just too hot here in the summer to use an oven to cook, especially since they most houses don't have air-conditioning. So we did it! It was lots of fun and the kids really enjoyed it. They had never baked, decorated or tasted an american cake. P.S. They don't eat very many sweets here so this was a very big deal.

Breakfast for the birthday boy
French Toast (No mangos, Mango season is over)
Noah, Cindy and Janice decorating the Birthday Cake
 The girls wrote Happy Birthday in Chinese!
After the cake was decorated before we had the birthday party Noah went to Janice's house to play with her kitten. Such a cute little guy.
 Don't worry Noah did NOT get a new puppy!
 One of the boys that came to his birthday brought the puppy for Noah to play with because he is missing Woody so much he thought it would help if Noah could play with a puppy. It was lots of fun but I think it just made him miss Woody more.

 This cute little puppy was a poodle or part poodle and she was only a couple of months old and her name was "He-Man". Silly name but she was cute anyway.

 Here is the finished cake. I know it is basic but remember that I don't have all of my gear with me so we did the best we could.
Time to blow out the candles!

What cute teenagers! The girls are 14 and Noah and the other boys are 13.

This is Robin (the boy in the green shirt) He is the boy that Noah spends the most time with. He speaks Chinese, English and Japanese.

He is Noah's translator at the school.

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