Saturday, September 29, 2012

Our busy week

It has been a week since my last post. Sorry everyone but usually the week days don't offer much excitement. This week however we had dinner at our house for the Taiwanese English teachers three times. Of course I didn't take many pictures of it because it was just dinner. However I did get a picture of Noah with his teacher breaking a wishbone together. We had a great week and great company to pass the time. Justin cooked both meals for the teachers. He made his famous chicken noodle soup and quesadillas for the group. I think the chicken noodle soup was more similar to their traditional cooking than the quesadillas, but both were very well liked. I also got my computer on Friday of this week!!! So now I can start working again. I am excited about doing something other than sleeping and reading for 5 hours every day. As much as I enjoy a daily nap and a good book it does tend to get monotonous. Noah will also start his home lessons now. He has been doing Math and Writing but now he will be able to do science and history in the evenings after spending the day at YingPei. Oh yea I think I have the comments figured out where you can now post a comment without a google account. Please give it a try and let me know if it works for you.

We made banana pancakes! So yummy.

Noah and his teacher, Mrs.Young, breaking the wishbone.

Noah trying to come up with a wish.

Noah holding a pear... That is the biggest pear I have ever seen.

How about some Coke!

Strange fruit! It is called Custard Apple.

Inside of the custard apple. It was so good. Sweet and smooth.


  1. Trying to post a comment ... let's see if it works :) .....

  2. That post was from Grandma Peggy :)/ clicking on anonymous is the only way I could get it to post .... I must be doing something wrong ... imagine that :)

    1. Well if that is what works then just be sure to sign your post. I bet you have to have a Google account to be able to have it list your name.
