Saturday, September 22, 2012

A visit to Jiji

Green Tunnel rest area

We had a big day Saturday! First we got a birthday package for Noah (there are pictures on the previous post). Then we went to Jiji with Ben, a friend we made our first week in Taipei. There was so much to do and see that we couldn't get it all done. First we went to an area that is famous for the trees that line the roads. It was called Green Tunnel, so creative. It runs parallel to a train track and is a very nice setting. It has tanks that are retired American army tanks from long ago. To me it took away from the peaceful setting but Noah love them. He got to get close and check them out. After that stop we went into Jiji and did many things we shopped a little and Noah got to do some target practice. We went to a store that was all paper products. Even the display shelves were made from paper. Justin, Noah and Ben all rode a paper rocking horse. After many hours walking and shopping we went for lunch. We had Pork Leg Noodle Soup. It is supposed to bring good fortune (I think). Then we were off to the Conservation Education Center. That was pretty cool. After all of that we decided we needed dinner so we went and had beef noodle soup and then home. It was a very busy day. We loved every thing and want to go back because we didn't get to see all of the attractions that Jiji had to offer. Maybe in a couple of weeks we will go again.

Here is the tanks. Just in case you didn't know what you were looking at:)


Just hanging out
Family Photo

Good view of Green Tunnel and of course those handsome fellas.

going for a little stroll

Even daddy can do it!
Pose for the camera

Bikes to rent everywhere. These bikes were for two, later we found one for three.

This bike can hold 4 adults and all 4 of them peddle together.
These ladies were glad to pose for us.

Banana harvest statue

Sausage with rice bun. It was good.
Taiwanese teachers ;)

Got it!
Noah in front of a banana windmill

Lufa Sponges

Sugar cane

sausage with bamboo in it. 

Kind of like a flea market

old train station. The umbrella is to keep the sun off my shoulders and face.

precious little girl
Ben Lu (our guide for the day) in front of the old train station.

Noah and a steam engine.

We didn't go into this building but they had some cool statues outside. 

Justin couldn't resist posing with this Gremlin.

Noah had to do it also even though he doesn't like the movie :)
Everything in this store is made out of paper

Riding a paper rocking horse

These were so cool. Hanging from the ceiling with a light in it.

Lunch Time :)
Pork Leg Noodle Soup.

Now it is time to head to the Conservation Education Center. This is a place for people to learn about Taiwan's endemic species and unique ecosystems.

Conservation Education Center exhibits


Space baby?

This lady works at the Conservation center but makes tea pots as a hobby.
this one looks like a tree stump with a snake on top. Amazing!

This one will be a tea pot when she is done. The one on the right is a real pumpkin.
The one on the left is a replica made our of clay that will be a teapot when she is done.

Outside the conservation center they had beautiful walking trails. I should have worn sleeves. It is just so darn hot here but the mosquitoes are so bad.  

This spider was huge... It was eating a butterfly

 Lots of pretty flowers in Taiwan.

 Noah caught this critter.

I don't know what he is doing.

Now we are at a military park. 


Silly Mommy and Baby

Okay This next part is a pig farm that we have driven by a couple of times. The statues are funny so we took a picture of them. Please stop here if you are easily offended because this is just the way it is and I wanted to share it with those that have a sense of humor. The statues are huge way bigger than an SUV.

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