Friday, September 21, 2012

Thursday field trip with the 8th graders

Yesterday Justin, Noah and I went on a school field trip with the 8th graders from YingPei. They have so many 8th graders that it took 11 buses. First we went to a Sr. High School/Technical school. It was very neat. It is a high school where the kids can learn many Technical skills such as cooking, bar tending, baking, hotel maintenance, restaurant skills, and many other skills while they are in Sr. High. We sat in the restaurant and gave them lots of practice by ordering coffees, lattes, and Cappuccinos all free of course. I think Justin ended up drinking 3 or maybe 4, I only had one and Noah had two lemon and honey waters. The kids made scones in the bakery and dumplings and they also did an art project. Then we were off again, this time we went to the earthquake museum. It was pretty impressive, it was built around the remains of an elementary school that was destroyed during the big earthquake in 1999. There was so much to see but we only got to spend a short time there. For everyone that knows Justin knows that was not enough time for him. The bus almost left him because he kept stopping to look at more stuff when it was time to go. Our last stop was a factory where they make sweet treats called Mochi. It was OK but they had so many taste samples that I quickly made myself sick trying to figure out which one I liked best so I could buy some.

The boys rode in the back of the bus. On our way to the technical school.

I'm to cool for this picture.

Since this was not Noah's class he didn't wear a uniform today.

Happy class 801.

This is Sam, he is an awesome guy. He has helped us out very much during our stay in Taiwan.

The view from the school.

Ying Pei students preparing to do a little cooking.

These are students in the restaurant area at the school.

Touring the kitchen area.

Cooking Students.

Jr. High students watching the teacher.

Fellow Ying Pei Teachers. Vicky (left), Corrie (middle), and Bebe (right)

Girls vs. Boys baking scones

The boys were much more nervous

More teachers

More teachers

Daddy and Noah eating chocolate toast

Watching the kids bake

Noah teaching the teacher how to make music on water glasses. 

King of the Chair 
What a nice big friendly tree. Justin is in love.

Justin doing the cat walk

Justin and Confucius 

All of the teachers with Confucius

This group is making dumplings

Cute kids

Leaving the school. Headed to our next destination.

Arriving at the earthquake museum.

This museum is located at the site of an elementary school that was destroyed during the big earthquake of 1999.
This was a flat track at one time. You can see how the earth was pushed up so now it is a hill.

These next few pictures are what is left of the school. It was preserved the way that it came down so people wouldn't forget about what happened that day and how many people died.

Justin jumping to try to produce seismic waves. He registered a 6 on the Richter scale.

Noah jumping... he registered a 5 on the Richter scale.
Next stop Mochi! It is a type of candy that is made here in Nantou.

These are the cute little Mochi characters. I guess there are many of them.

No! You can't bring your pig or lion to the Mochi factory, so don't ask.

Say cheese!

This was one of the bus drivers. He had a cactus garden in his bus.

Bye Bye, We had a very big day.

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