Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hiking into the tropical forest

Last Sunday we decided to go into the woods for a hike. It is such a beautiful place to hike with lots of critters. This trail that we took was pretty short, only about 2 miles. It is a heavily used trail so we did't see any snakes. We did see several lizards, butterflies, beetles, roaches and of course mosquitos. We wore pants and put bug spray on our arms but the mosquitos can apparently bite you through your pants! I have about 30 mosquito bites :(  I was told later that I should put but spray on my legs even if I wear pants. Noah and Justin just aren't as sweet as me because they only had a couple of bites.

We saw many butterflies but it was very hard to take pictures of them because they wouldn't corporate with us. We saw one that was as big as a small bird!

This little guy is a skink. It is very similar to the ones we have in Arkansas.

Me posing with a flower. Anything to make the picture look better.

I love seeing trees like this every time we step outside. I don't think I will ever get used to it.

Noah and Justin hanging out with the band!

There were these huge rocks all around a clearing at the park. I don't know what they are fore but I took pictures because they were so cool.


Pig (he even had a curly tail)

Sheep ( I think but it was a little damaged)

They had these pretty signs throughout the park along the trail. I have no idea what they say but they were pretty.

Many lizards

Noah didn't do this! He found this wing and I wanted to share with you how pretty the butterflies are. So this is the best we could do today.

I found a broom! I decided to do a little cleaning.

Noah thinks his mom is weird!

But I think Justin might be more weird!

Another cute little guy.

Just hanging out on the tree!

Can you see me?

Oh no! They are coming at me from both sides...what to do?

These are geckos. They are a different kind than the ones that live on the outside of our house.


Caught a different one.

If my dad can do it so can I!

I think he looks scared but Noah was very gentle with it,

Cute little guy!

Last catch for the day. Noah found a baby lizard. It wasn't much bigger than his thumb nail. Good job Noah.


  1. For the rock with Chinese characters on it, start from right to left(usually chinese reading is from right to left, top to bottom)

    "Climb a mountain;
    Write a piece of work.
    May the wind of the mountain blow among the characters;
    and may the touching sentiment, as if leaves,

    by Pan-Qiao"

    translated by Annie :P
    hope this helps explain a little bit haha

  2. Thanks Annie. I will always need help with translation.
