Monday, September 10, 2012

Our home in Taiwan

Our Home in Taiwan!

Looking out the front of our garage at Justin and Noah buying dinner in the rain from the man in the truck!

 Ok so I finally got help cleaning this house so I can post pictures now. Remember the house came furnished so basically none of it is ours.

This is our living room/dining area. Coming in the front door this is what you see. (this is pre cleaners) You can see down the hall to the kitchen.
The view to the right is standing in the hall looking back into the living room (also pre cleaners).
This is the first flight of stairs with the bathroom door to the right of the stairs. I didn't take any pictures of the bathroom because it is so small! it is under the stairs and the shower area is so small that Justin can't stand up straight. He has to kind of crouch down to shower. He hates it.

The room to the right is a Japanese style room that we are using for storage. Everything in this room is ours. It is right next to the bathroom and before the kitchen.

Here is the kitchen. The fridge is just out of sight on the left. The back door goes out into the laundry room. The kitchen is large but there is not much counter space.

The second floor has this little room that we are using as an office. It is were Noah does his homeschool and practices his trumpet.

Next is our bedroom (2nd floor). One standing at the door looking in and one standing at the far corner looking out. It has a little balcony and it is a good size room. There is also a small bathroom on this floor with no shower. Not picture worthy.

Third floor

Noah's bedroom. Again all he has of his own here is electronics and now a basket ball. It is hanging in the black bag above his bed. But he does have a beautiful tree to look at from his balcony. We live in a little cul-de-sac so there are houses on all sides.

Middle bedroom (left). Noah uses it put his rain coat and a few other things. Small and cosy.
Big guest bedroom (right). We will buy a bed if someone wants to come visit but for now it is empty.

Standing at the top floor looking down! The stairs are not built like those in the U.S. They are narrow and steep! But it is home for the next year :)


  1. Nick and I love your house! It looks really nice. :D I 'm sure it will be a great home for the next year, and will be filled with a lot of memories!

  2. The part about Justin having to crouch down in the shower made me lol...Tom hated the showers in Thailand for the same reason. Never was a problem for me :)
