Monday, September 17, 2012

Traditional Taiwanese Pancake

One of the teachers from YingPei, Grace, brought us the stuff to make a traditional Taiwanese pancake for breakfast. They know that we prefer to make breakfast at home (most of them eat out every morning) so they wanted to give us something to try. It is called a Chinese Pancake but it was much more like a thin corn tortilla. I want to share this so all of our fellow American teachers can try it if they see it in the store.

Step 1: cook some yummy bacon; if you don't eat bacon you can leave this step out and make it how you like. 

Step 2: Use very little of the bacon grease or oil and heat up the skillet. Place one of the pancakes into the skillet until it is ready to flip. You can tell when it is ready because it turns less transparent and is easy to flip.

Step 3: Beat one egg and pour it on the flipped pancake

Step 4: Let the egg cook 

Step 5: While the egg is cooking now is a good time to add a slice of bacon :)

Step 6: Justin insisted on flipping it one more time to make sure all of the egg was cooked. This was not part of the instructions from Grace but it worked out fine and was easy to flip. 

Step 7: After a few seconds upside down we removed it from the pan. Now would be a good time to add cheese if you like it as much as we do :)
Step 8: Roll it up. You can slice it into little pieces or

You can eat it like a breakfast burrito. I don't know if this is how they eat it but it makes since to me :)

1 comment:

  1. Nick wanted to try those the other day, but I was a little weary, we'll have to get a package and try it now! It looks yummy!
