Saturday, September 22, 2012

Noah's birthday package

Noah's birthday was a couple of weeks ago so our families wanted to send him cards and packages. A few days ago he received a birthday card from Justin's Grandparents and today he received a package from My mom and sister. I took pictures of him opening his packages to show his Nana and Auntie Allison. He was super excited to get the package. We got it just as we were about to leave for the day, so glad we were here when it was delivered.

Noah and his birthday package

What is this?

It is a birthday card! That is so cool!

It has many personal messages for the birthday boy.

A special message from his Nana! We love you to.

Nice try at the Chinese Auntie Allison. Maybe Noah can teach you a little something when he gets home.

Cute little toy.

And a supply of Nerds and Kraft Mac and Cheese! They even remembered the garlic salt.

He couldn't wait.

A nice birthday card with a little surprise inside! 

Thanks guys... He was so excited to get the package. We love you and miss you very much.

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