Saturday, September 15, 2012

Friday night fun

Hello all,

Tonight we went to dinner with a large group of the teachers from Yingpei Jr. High to say good by to one of there science teachers, Adrian. Adrian has to report for duty monday morning for his year long of compulsory military service to start. This is required for all men between the ages of 18 and 36. You can do it either after high school or after college which is what he did.  Adrian is also the dragon dance teacher at Yingpei so Noah won't be able to join that after all. Unfortunately I never got any pictures of video of the kids doing the dragon dance but I did get a video of some girls and Arian doing the drums. I will try to post it. I guess it might be to large because I can't seem to get it to upload. If anyone has any suggestions on how to lower the size of it let me know please.

For dinner tonight we went to a place called Heaven of Star and Moon. It was so amazing. I got a couple of pictures but then my battery died and I don't keep a backup. I definitely want to go back. It was such a pretty place and the food was great. They have a beautiful view of Nantou and there is lots of cute critters to pet after eating (even a pony). The grounds are huge with lots of places to relax and enjoy the view. There is a fish pond where Noah got to feed the fish. Such a great place. This is what I had in mind when I thought of Taiwan before we got here.

This spider was giant! It was probably as big as a dinner plate! It was very high on the electrical lines. I just about died when I saw it!

 Monkeys made out of wood.

This bird statue was made of driftwood.

 There were lots of cool birds. They had 4 or 5 that danced to the music and one that painted pictures. Of course I didn't have any battery in my camera so I failed. Sorry.

 Feeding the pigs.
Metal critters. Kind of cool.
 Noah loved them. He wanted to take them home.

Cute baby pigs

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