Thursday, August 30, 2012


Good Morning everyone!

Today Noah and I signed up to spend one hour every day of the week to learn Chineese with a 1st grade class! I don't know how fast I will learn but Noah will probably be learning very fast. It will be from 8:30 to 9:30 every day (so I will still have plenty of time to work).

I have been taking lots of pictures but I can't seem to get them to load at the library. Sorry

Yesterday Noah and I finally mopped the entire house! It is 1,700 sf mostly tile and a little wood. It took lots of work. It wouldn't have been so bad if it was one level but since it is three stories It was lots of work. Noah was a big help! I will try to upload the photos to facebook since they can't be added to the blog.

Tonight we are going out with one of the coaches from the school. He is going to take us to a place where you fish for large shrimp. If you catch any they will cook them for you and you get to eat them. They use a tiny fishing pole from what I've heard.

Talk to you again soon

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