Thursday, August 23, 2012

Howdy,  This week we arrived in our town. It is a nice town but it is kind of small so they don't have all of the benefits of a larger town like a large grocery store, a Pizza Hut or McDonald's. Our comfort food has been peanut butter (they have Jiffy brand) and jelly sandwiches!  We have borrowed bicycles from our landlord so we can get around town pretty easy. But to go to the next town to the big grocery store or to eat Pizza hut we either have to find a ride or learn the bus system. I am hoping to learn the bus system this weekend so I will have more freedom during my days.

Our house is huge! It was very dirty so we had to do lots of cleaning for this first week but it is going to be a great place to live. There are 6 bedrooms! We have one being used for storage (our luggage and winter clothes) and then our bedroom then Noah has two one for his bedroom and one for his MAN for an office and that leaves on big room for guests! Not that we are expecting many guests but everyone is welcome to come for a visit if you are up to it. 

Noah has started his home schooling for band and language but without the internet at home he can't start science or math yet. The public school here starts September 3rd so he won't go to those classes for another week. But even then I think he will only be taking electives at the school. A martial arts class, a cooking class and maybe band.

Justin has started working a little this week. Today (Thursday) is his first full day at the school. Mostly just lesson planning and that kind of stuff. He doesn't have to work if there is a typhoon and one is supposed to be here tonight so he might have tomorrow off but then he will probably have to work on Saturday to make up for it.

It is so humid here! I get out of the shower and by the time I am done drying off I need another shower. We are a little home sick this week and I think most of that is because we don't have any internet to visit with everyone. The people are very nice and try to go out of there way to help us anyway they can.

I still don't know my address so when I do I will email it out so anyone can send cards or whatever and  Bill you can send my computer. I am looking forward to working again. I am pretty board during the day because it is a small town with not a lot to do.  

Life this week has been hard without the internet to keep in touch. They are working on getting us set up but there are so many legal issues to deal with. We have to have an immigration card to get internet contract and  we are waiting on those.

I will post pictures of our adventures as soon as possible!

Talk to you soon,

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