Thursday, August 16, 2012

Friday our last day in Taipei

Today is our last day in Taipei. We are packed and out of our rooms. Justin is in class until 11am (it is 9am now) so while we wait for him to get done Noah and I are in the computer room playing games and giving you an update :)

Old Town

Sorry I was unable to post any updates yesterday because Noah and I were having an off day. We ended up spending out morning (computer time) resting and reading. He was very homesick yesterday so we just hung out in our rooms for the morning. After a little nap and some lunch he was feeling much better so we decided to go out on an adventure with the class. First we went to Old Town to do a little shopping and exploring. There was a beautiful temple and of course some ice cream which helped lift our mood.

Inside the temple

Inside the temple

Eating Ice cream
 After Old Town we went to a restaurant with the class to eat. It was our first time eating in a restaurant, it was very nice and the food was yummy. It was a lot spicier which I was thankful for because even though the food at the school is good it is all very bland. They had an english menu to look at at the restaurant. I had to take some photos of  the menu because there were some things I didn't think anyone would believe without seeing it.  

Pig intestines

Craps with Crap sauce

Duck blood jelly with pork intestine

Here are a few more pictures of the temple.

golden dragon

female lion

male lion

bird stone column


P.S. We may not have Internet for a while after today. I will post more as soon as possible. Also Noah wanted me to let everyone know that even though he has moments where he is homesick and really missing Woody and everyone he is having lots of fun and enjoying himself. He is looking forward to starting school in a Taiwan school and he has been learning Chinese. He has learned to count 1-10 and the words for cat, dog, help, hello, thank you and your welcome. He is learning way faster than Justin or myself.

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