Tuesday, August 28, 2012

No Typhoons

We have had another exciting week. First off let me say that we are all doing well. Justin started teaching full time this week and Noah still hasn't started classes at the school because they are working on his schedule. We did buy his uniform but since I am on the public computer at the library I can't upload pictures. He is doing wrighting, practicing his trumpet every day and working on a little chineese lesson when we get time (and someone to teach us)!

We didn't get any rain from the first typhoon that was supposed to hit last week. We had one cool day because of the clouds but no rain. There was supposed to be a second one this week and we did get a light rain off and on yesterday, but I wouldn't call it a typhoon. It was more like an arkansas spring rain. Not to bad but just enough to keep you inside.

So this past weekend we were invited to go spend the morning having chineese tea with one of Justin's coworkers, Lilly. When Lilly and her daughter, Janice, arrived to pick us up she asked if we would like to spend the night. So we packed an overnight bag and away we went! (Remember there is a huge language and customs barrier between us and them.) So when we arrived at the house where we were supposed to have tea we realized that it is a classmate of Lilly's daughter, Janice, and that it was the first time for Lilly to meet this family . Not only was it the first time for Lilly to meet these people she wans't planning on spending the night with us! So here we are at a strange place with strange people that don't speak our language and we are supposed to spend the next 48 hours with them. I was a little scared.

Turns out that Janice, Lilly's daughter, and her classmate, Cindy, both spoke English very well and they were our translators for the weekend. Cindy's family are tea and coffee farmers. They took us around the farm to see the tea and coffee, it was a beautiful place. Then they took us to lunch and dinner on Saturday. They also took us up in the mountains where to a place that makes pineapple pie. It was awesome.

This faimly also are involved in the local 4-H so on both days we went to those activities with them. We each planted a broccoli, cabbage, and pepper plant! So in a month or two we will have fresh veggies that we grew!

We had the best time. This family was so welcoming to us and treated us like we had been long lost friends. This behavior seems to be pretty common among the Taiwan people that we meet.

This week Noah and I spent lots of time at home cleaning the house. It is Wednesday here and we have only got the first floor done. But it was the hardest because it had the kitchen, laundry, bathroom and living room. Now we just have to mop the bedrooms so we should be able to finish that later this week.

Today was our adventure day! We rode our bicycles 25 minutes to the next town just to order Pizza Hut Pizza and then 25 minutes back with the pizza strapped to the back of my bicycle to suprise Justin with lunch!  It was fun but I don't think I will be doing it again soon. My butt hurts from that bicycle seat.

I have no idea how to comment on this blog. It is set to allow everyone to comment but it doesn't seem to be working. If you have a comment please email it to me and I will address it as soon as I get back to the internet. We miss everyone lots and we love all of you.

P.S. Gramby we had cheesecake yesterday! It was yummy.


  1. Trying to figure out the comments on this blog... This is a test.

  2. When are you getting internet?

    1. As soon as they get our ARC card to us. They won't let us sign contracts for a phone or internet until we get them. We were supposed to get them this week but since today is Friday I bet it will be next week.
