Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Years 4 day weekend!

Wow! We had a wonderful 4 day weekend so much to do and see. We started off on Saturday with wonderful weather. Justin and I rode our bicycles to the market and picked up lots of fresh fruit. The fruit in Taiwan is delicious, I just can't eat enough.  We were invited to go to dinner with a friend, Adrian. We met him at the school so we took some pictures with the awesome dragon heads.

Then we were off to dinner! We ate at a Thai restaurant, it was very good. Very similar to our Thai restaurants in Fayetteville.

Then Adrian took us to his grandfathers Chinese medicine shop. This was very cool!!! Noah and Just got to play with all of the equipment and even taste a few medicines.

Here Noah is behind the counter playing doctor. Every one of the drawers behind him is full of Chinese medicines.

Now it is time for all three of us to be checked by the professional! Guess what....We are all healthy!

On Sunday we made plans to go to an Taiwan aboriginal theme park. Wouldn't you know it that when we woke up Sunday morning it was raining and very cold :( We decided to go anyway.  We had a blast at the park. Turns out that many people stayed away because of the weather so it was perfect for us! We didn't have to wait in line for anything. 

Noah is finally big enough to ride a roller coaster with out me, thank goodness! Him and several of his friends went for a ride. It was crazy, round and round up and down inside and out.... Not for me!
Look at those silly monkeys!

Time for a group dance with strangers... Yea lots of fun.

I bet you can't figure out what Noah thinks is so funny!

This was a crazy ride. It took you way up into the sky and then let you free fall down!  All three of us went on this one!

Way up into the clouds...ready...set...FALL! 

After the park went to see another temple...They are so beautiful. I just can't see enough of them. Each one is different.

Now to have dinner with the group delicious!

We did get some rest on Monday! We spent the entire day inside and I think Justin slept most of it. We got up in time to do some fireworks! Happy New Year to everyone!

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