Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas In Taiwan

  I hope everyone had a great Christmas this year. Our Christmas in Taiwan was very different from our usual Christmas in many ways but we tried hard to give Noah a normal Christmas. I think he had a good time. Packages started arriving from family in the U.S. and Noah started to get excited! On Christmas eve we brought our little tree in and decorated it.

On Christmas day, Noah and I, had to wait all day for Justin to come home to open gifts. Those nine hours were very hard for Noah :)  Finally at 5:30 it was time to dig into all of these gifts.

Noah is so ready to tear open the boxes. But first we need some pictures.

Justin received gifts from his students and fellow teachers from the school. They brought him cheese and coffee!!!! For us this is a huge deal because to go buy these things we would have an hour trip to the Costco. So we just do without cheese and Starbucks most of the time.

The only thing Noah asked for, besides a plane ticket home, was Gundam's. There are three in this box and he was so excited.

After gifts we headed to our favorite restaurant  The food is good but it is the company that makes this a wonderful Christmas.

Many yummy things to eat! In the front are two bowls of Wanton Soup. Behind the soup are seaweed and eggs on the left and rice with gravy on the right. Behind those dishes are beef tenderloin on the left and tofu on the right. So Yummy. This is the kind of food we eat most days.

Above is Noah's favorite Taiwan dish... Pineapple fried rice! He would eat this every day if we let him.

Below is my favorite dish. It is a green vegetable, not sure which one, with a little sauce on top!

Group picture! Great memories made this Christmas!

This is how most of Taiwan gets around. 

1 comment:

  1. I think the green vegetable you've mentioned is water spinach
    (ㄎㄨㄥ ㄒㄧㄣ ㄘㄞˋ)
