Monday, December 24, 2012

Playing in the dirt

This weekend we were invited by several teachers to attend an event that is held almost every year. Many people get together and play in the dirt! OK maybe that is not the goal but that is most definitely one of the many things going on here. We arrived around 8am to set up our tent area and pick out our clay area. When Justin found out he was going to be playing in the dirt and building something he became very excited. It has only been 5 or 6 months since he last built something but he is missing it very much. 
 This is what it looked like when we arrived! No smoke yet and very few people.

 Noah is a little hesitant about what is going on today.

 Justin is ready to dig in! See that silly grin on his face :)
 Noah is making clay blocks for Justin.

 Starting to take shape... It even has a nice little door on the front (just below Justin's hands)

 Adrian, Noah's classmate, and Noah. This is Adrian's earth stove.  Adrian is one of our great friends.
 Justin and Jeff inspecting the oven. Not quite done it still needs a top. Jeff is another of our good friends...
 I am sorry I can't remember his name but he is the Boy Scout teacher at Noah's school. He is a great guy and that is his wife next to him. They are always so friendly to us.
 These two little angels are strangers. They were so curious about us that they just had to come say hi. They don't speak a bit of English but that didn't stop us from communicating with each other. Later in the day they would be big helpers for Noah's build project. Such sweethearts.
 Finally! It is finished and ready to start a fire! Once the fire is very hot you put in your food. Such as potatoes, Chicken, Corn on the cob, Eggs then knock it down so it will cook under the clay.  When it is done, hours later, you dig out the food.

 These pretty ladies wanted to take their picture with Noah.... Such a stud!
 This is not part of our group but it was picture worthy!
 Justin wanted to build the biggest structure and when he was almost done it collapsed :(
 This is what it looked like while everyone was cooking. The smoke was so bad I had to leave the cooking area.
 Erin and Apple playing games. Justin and I tried this game and we spent an hour playing but still didn't figure it out. When we get home we are going to play with our families.

 Noah found a piece of scrap wood that looked kind of like Arkansas! He put it outside of his building project. The girls are helping him out with out using any words.

 I feel very blessed to spend our weekend with all of  our friends from Taiwan. Everyone we meet is so friendly and willing to help us or bring us along so that we aren't lonely. I didn't show you but at one point the crowd around our family was huge. Everyone wanted to have their pictures taken with us. Any tent you walked by was offering us food or drink. The people we meet in Taiwan will stay in our hearts forever. Although we still have seven months until we leave I am already a little sad about leaving our new friends behind. 

It is days like this that I am so thankful to be in Taiwan! 

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