Monday, December 3, 2012

Baby Girl

Last week we had a surprise visitor! I was out shipping packages and grocery shopping in the rain, an awful task if you have to ride a bicycle. Anyway when I came out of the grocery store, trying to load my purchases into my basket and put on my rain poncho, I glanced down and there was this wonderful little girl. She was cold and wet, and trying to get protection under MY bicycle. I quickly bent down and she came into my hands. I tried to find her mom but there was no one around. So I quickly hopped onto my bike and rode home with her. One handed!!!! I haven't done that since I was a kid.

By the time I got home my arm felt like it was going to break but I wasn't about to let go of this little girl. I wanted to get her inside, warmed up and fed. Noah was so excited when he saw her that he wasn't able to do any more home school that day.

We had this pretty girl for 6 days.. She had a warm shower, some food and quickly fell in love with Noah. She slept with him at night and would take naps in his lap while he was doing home school during the day.

After thinking and discussing it we decided that we needed to find her a forever home while she was still small. Although Justin and Noah both wanted to bring her back to the U.S. we realized it would be to much work. We also didn't think it would be fair to her to take her away from the only home she knows, Taiwan, to go to a new country. She was very smart and overall a great girl. I am so glad that we could open our home to her for a week.

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