Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Bus Ride

Howdy everyone, another weekend has come and gone but this time we were planning on having a relaxing weekend at home. We had some stuff to get caught up on around the house and Justin needed to rest after a very busy week at work. He had to give 600 oral tests to his students and he was observed by the MOE (Ministry of Education).

On Saturday it was a rainy day and even though the temperature was in the 70's it felt cooler so we stayed home watching movies and reading. On Sunday it was sunny and in the 80's so we decided to go to shopping in Nantou City for some blankets. It is getting cooler at night and we just aren't ready for that. It was our first time to ride the bus to Nantou because we usually go North to Cauton but we were up for a new adventure. We did all of our shopping and headed for the bus. We asked the bus attendant which bus to get on to go home to Zongxing, he showed us and we boarded.

Once the bus left the bus lot it only took about 2 minutes to realize we were on the wrong bus!

So before we got to far Justin got up to ask the bus driver... he said we were on the correct bus. So we are on the wrong bus going the wrong way into the rural mountain towns but the even the bus driver thinks we are headed the correct way. So we get to the town where he thinks we need to get off but there is no way we are getting off there! It doesn't even have a 7-11. Then a light goes off in the bus drivers mind and he realizes what we already knew... We are on the wrong bus!!!

The bus driver was kind and we ended up having to ride the entire loop, 1 hour, and go back to where we started. Then we got on the correct bus and we were home in about 15 minutes. Even when we are not looking for an adventure we seem to find one here in Taiwan.

Now for some good news. We found a movie theater in Nantou! We went to see the new 007 and we will go back on the 14th of December to watch The Hobbit! It is pretty neat because you can pay for one ticket and watch movies all day long! Next time we will go early so we can watch two or three. The theater was decent...bigger than the Fiesta Square Theaters. The eating and drinking rules are definitely different from home. People were bringing in entire meals to eat and drink. Kind of crazy but good. Next time we will bring our food and set up camp for the day :)

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