Thursday, November 8, 2012

This past weekend we decided to take a few days and head to the coast. After all one of the reasons for coming to Taiwan, an island, was because they had beaches. Well we got stuck in the center of the island with no coast any closer than two hours away. So we have to make time to see the ocean if we are going to see it at all while we are here. Nantou was having a sports festival so there was no school for Justin so we decided now was the time. We had a great trip and took tons of pictures. Most of this blog is pictures but I did add a few captions here and there to explain what was going on. If you have any questions you can post a comment and I will clarify for you. Otherwise enjoy looking at our vacation. The boy that went with us is Joe. He is one of Justin's students from 803, He is 14 years old and speaks pretty good English  He came in handy when we were trying to communicate with the taxi driver. He is shy and didn't like talking so we didn't use him for translating, only when necessary, after all it is his vacation too. Noah and Joe had a great time together and I think they will never forget each other.

 We are waiting on the HSR to take us from Taichung to Zuoying. From there we will have to catch a bus or cab to travel 2 hours south to Kenting.

 Joe and Noah on the HSR. All smiles can't wait to see the ocean!
 You guessed it! It's the HSR arriving to pick us up.
 This is a funny add that is on the train. We are guessing it is a bank advertising that they will protect your money.
 Let's get this vacation started!

 We finally made it! It took us four hours from the time we left our house to the time we checked into our hotel. Justin's back hurt from carrying his fully loaded backpack so he stayed in the room for a couple of hours while the boys and I headed to the beach. It was cloudy, which was nice so we didn't have to worry about sunscreen, but it was very warm so the boys splashed in the surf for several hours until dinner time. The waves were bigger than normal on the first two days but that didn't stop us. In fact after the trip was over the boys said that had more fun with the big waves than they did on Monday-Wednesday with the nice smooth ocean.  We had the entire beach to ourselves most of the time. 

 There are a few large rocks washed up on shore in the area we were hanging out. They are actually pieces of coral.

 Run Noah! Here comes the wave :)

 A couple hours after we get there some more people decide to show up. That's ok I don't mind sharing the beach.

 Loads of fun! These boys will sleep well tonight.

 Dinner our first night. We were placed at the window so we could watch the night market going on outside. This restaurant had three tables in the front by the windows. It was pretty funny that they put all of the white people at these three tables. I think they were trying to use us as advertising for the other tourists.  We met people from Holland, the Netherlands, France, and the U.S. (Minnesota).
Funny sign outside the restaurant. I never saw anyone without a shirt unless they were swimming.

 Games at the night market... 

Day two at the beach and Justin is able to join in the fun! The sun was out more this day but the waves were still on the big side. There were people trying to surf but I don't think the waves were big enough for that.

 Oh no!!!! Justin has turned into a vampire!

 Here is a piece of the Coral... it looks like a regular rock from far away but up close you can see it is a piece of coral.
 This is the mountain behind us. It is so pretty. This is truly a beautiful island.

 I think this is mostly rocks, or coral, in this picture. There was trash on the beach which was very disappointing  They don't have trashcans anywhere. So people just through their trash on the ground and no one ever picks it up. That is one thing America has that is better than Taiwan. They pay people to empty trash cans on the beach. Not here. One day, if this isn't changed, the tourists will stop coming to swim at these beaches because there will be to much trash.

 Found a bug! Pretty scary looking.

 Our hotel is the white one with the blue canopies. We had a great view of the ocean and a wonderful balcony that we used every morning and evening.

 There are lots of dogs in Kenting. There are signs that say to stay away from the dogs but this one was someones pet. She was very nice and wanted to play in the surf with Noah.
 If a little squeeze is nice then a big squeeze must be better!

 Justin thought he found the tiniest hermit crab ever... So Noah had to go and find one that was even smaller.

 Noah is getting so strong. He punched the sign and he bent it!

 Frog Rock

 The giant rock behind us is called "Frog Rock".

I found a STOP sign!!! It is the first stop sign I have seen in Taiwan!

Back in the room getting ready to go out for breakfast. 
 Yes this is me playing a video game! I do that once in a while and Justin wanted proof.

  Noah looks like he is confused!

 I bet you can't guess where we ate breakfast. 

On Monday we decided to hike up to Kenting National Forest Recreation Area for a little physical activity  I would highly recommend this trip. At the top of the mountain there is a walking trail with so much to see. It is a very beautiful place. We thought we would just walk up to it and yes we knew it was going to be 4.5k and it would take us a while but we didn't realize we would be walking up hill the entire way. Thank goodness a taxi came along about 20 minutes into our walk and drove us to the top. At the top we spent the day going through all of the trails and seeing everything there is to see. We did have to walk back down in the evening but going down hill for an hour isn't a problem.

 Giant Autumn Maple

 Justin is hopeful that we would see a snake. But don't worry we didn't see any.

  There are several Caves to explore. This one had three monsters coming out of it.

 This was Justin's favorite place.

 This is another one of the caves. This one is lit up and has handrails and a walking path.

 Yes most of the trail is uphill. Sometimes there are stairs.



 Break time!
In the middle of no where there is a six story lookout tower. You can see so far. On the 5th floor is a restaurant! Lunch was pretty good considering we were planning on beef jerky and almonds.

 It is very windy up here... That is why Noah's hair is standing straight up ;)

 One final cave to explore before we head back down the mountain.

 Noah caught a lizard

 Yes that is a bee or wasp nest. Very dangerous I think almost all of the bees and or wasps in Taiwan are deadly.

So Tired... Lets go to the beach

 Tuesday morning on the beach. It is a cool morning but the waves have finally calmed down.

 Justin is fixing to leave for a scuba dive. He is excited and a little nervous. It is his first ocean dive. He was certified before we left so his only experience is Beaver Lake.

 Justin and John the dive instructor. 

 So the boys and I hang out at the beach again. 

 After Justin gets back we decided to take a walk and guess what! Noah decided to fall on a brick and hurt himself. No big surprise and the injury isn't that bad but very typical of Noah.

 This is the view from our room. 

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