Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Another busy weekend

 This weekend was another busy one. We were invited, by our friend Adrian, to see a birthday celebration in Guoxing for one of the gods. This only happens once every 50 years so it is a big deal. It was cloudy and rainy when we arrived and since it was mostly outside we didn't stay for long. The town where the celebration took place was up in the mountains, the views were spectacular.

This is a dragon, on the table behind Noah, I believe it was made from rice. 

After leaving the birthday celebration Adrian took us to Puli to the Chung Tai Chan Monastery, another Buddhist temple. Of course it was another amazing place. Taiwan is a beautiful place to live. 

These paper lanterns line the sidewalks outside the temple and the ceiling inside. They are so pretty.

 Happy Buddha! 

The temple guardian, Bodhisattva Wei Tuo


These 4 statues are the "Four heavenly kings". The one on the top right represents North, top right represents South, bottom left represents East (and is Justin's favorite because he his holding a snake) and the bottom right is West. The Four Heavenly Kings, each 12 meters tall, stand in the four corners of the room.  Each king's head has the faces of all four kings, it means " one in four and four in one".

This sculpture is made from red granite. It is the Shakyamuni Buddha, "The Transformation Buddha" or "The Great Majestic One".  

Noah and Justin took turns at the bell pavilion. Striking the bell brings awakening to their own nature of wisdom and purity. Or at least that is what they say.

Beautiful wood work. 

Elephants standing guard, there was one on each side of the door.

Justin loved all of the topiary trees.

After the Buddhist temple we went to see a beautiful flower display  I think it was called the sea of flowers. So many flowers and colors

 These silly guys decided that they would take a rest in the middle of the purple flowers. :)

 Love birds! Yes I know we have been together for 11 years now but I still love this silly guy.

After all of the beautiful sight seeing today we headed to do some crab and lobster fishing! So much fun hanging out with Adrian. 

They took turns catching crab but not to many. I think we ended up with 7 or 8 crabs. Then Justin caught a lobster!!! Now we have enough for dinner!!!

Lobster soup, crabs, fried rice and lamb... That was a yummy meal!

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