Sunday, January 20, 2013

Puli Adventure

Saturday, January 19, 2013:

We woke up at 4am today!!! We wanted to go to the mountains to see the sunrise. It was a wonderful view but with all of the fog we didn't get to see the sunrise. Don't worry though because we were still able to have a fun filled day with many friends, teachers from Ying Pei. 

(Warning this blog post has so many pictures it might take about an hour to get through it.)

 Our view from on top of a mountain in Puli. Beautiful view but pretty cloudy.

 Many people wake up early for a chance to see the sunrise.

 Some of our group. The teacher on the far left is Noah's homeroom teacher, she is so sweet.

  You can see that it is getting lighter but still the sun hasn't poked through the cloud cover.

 The trees are starting to bloom... So pretty.

 This is the most sunrise we will see this morning.

Next stop breakfast

 Time for breakfast... it is a famous pork and mushroom filled rice ball. The rice is purple, it is grown that way. It is supposed to be higher in vitamins and overall it tasted great.

 Next stop Sun Moon Lake

 Beautiful view with a happy little boy.

 Just playing around.

 The next four pictures are our teacher friends that brought us on this fabulous outing for the day. These are all such great people and I am glad that they are our friends.

 Headed down to the lake.

 Note the tall tower in the background behind the boats. It is the pagoda that we will visit later.

 Now we are making our way around the lake. We will stop at many places along the way.

 This temple is for the match maker god. 

 The dragon represents male

 The phoenix represents female

 Now we are back at the shore for a little play time and photos.

 I love this picture of Noah. He just can't stand to not be in the water... 

  Sun Moon Lake visitor center

 Even the teachers act like children once in a while. With Justin being the biggest child in the group. The goal was exactly what you see. To see how many could get there feet off the ground at once.

 This is our group! We had so much fun today.

  Next stop walking on water!?!?!?

 This is so cool. It is literally walking on water. The grass is so thick that it is able to hold up walking planks that we can walk on. But the water is always just at the tips of your toes so you must be careful not to get wet. I have a video of this so you can see how it is done. You can check it out here:

  Next stop the pagoda at Sun Moon Lake

 Climbing the stairs to the top.

 OK, I couldn't make it to the top... I am afraid of heights so I only made it about 4 stories up. But the view from up here is amazing.

Safely back on solid ground... Justin is waving from the top story.  What you can't see him? Well I will try to zoom in.

Can you see him now?

 How about Noah? He is on the 3rd floor. 

I guess Justin and Noah had enough climbing the stairs and decided this would be a good opportunity for a little Kung Fu fighting.  Watch out those flying kicks can be dangerous.

   Next stop food! 

 What can I say? Delicious doesn't quite do it justice. It has been 6 months since we have seen a burger like this.... it was OMG good!!!
 And to drink I had the best tea!

   Next stop paragliding... 

 Don't worry we kept our feet on the ground. We just came to watch others take a flying leap off the top of the mountain. It was very cool.

 Noah wants to have a turn... "No way" says mom! Maybe when you are 18!

 This is how it works.... First they suit up.

 Then they lay out the parachute, with help from the girlfriends.

Next wait for a gust of wind....

The parachute will catch the wind and...

Take a flying leap off the mountain top! 

 Now Noah really wants to go!

 There are so many! I don't know how they keep from hitting each other but somehow they do. It is so beautiful. 

   Next stop the giant freeway overpass 

 This freeway is the tallest in Taiwan. It is huge but I know it is hard to tell from the picture so just take my word for it.

   Next a little sword fighting!

   Noah wins!

 Now Noah will have to fight his daddy! Oh no... who will win this battle?

 I guess it was Justin!

Don't worry Noah... you are still a champion to me!

Just a little afterthought.... Was it the Energizer bunny or the Duracell bunny?

Another great weekend thanks to all of our wonderful friends in Taiwan... We thank you so much for taking us along on these fun outings.

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