Saturday, January 19, 2013

Taiwanese Wedding

We were invited to a Taiwanese wedding this past week. We were very curious how they work, what they wear and how similar it was to an American wedding. We arrived at the brides house early so we could visit with the family. The bride is a friend from Justin's school and her family are very nice. Her mother is the principle at a junior high school in Catoun and her three sisters, Cora, Allison and Abby, are all very sweet and spoke English very well.  

The wedding starts by the groom and his best men, there are six total because six is a lucky number, arriving at the brides house to pick her up. But before he can get to his bride he must complete several challenges. Since they were short on time there were only 5 challenges for this wedding.

 This is the groom arriving. He is being met by one of the brides sisters, the brides mother and the paparazzi.

 This is challenge number one. He must blow the orange ball into each of the bowls and finally into the last bowl before he can move on to the next task.

The groom and all of his best men getting the instructions on the game!

Lucky for the groom he has the help of all of his best men. This game was the responsibility of one of the best men, so much pressure to get it correct... Oh and each bowl is filled with flour so every time he blows the ball flour goes everywhere especially all over the best mans face! But no worries about the mess because it is all in the name of love.

 This beautiful little girl is a family friend. She will be carrying the brides dress all evening. The groom is in the middle and one of the best men is on the right.

The next challenge for the groom, before he can enter her house, is to say I love you in six different languages. But the hard part is saying it loud enough that she can hear it from inside the house. It took at least three attempts but with the help of his best men, on the final attempt  they were loud enough and he was allowed to pass.

 In this task he had to write down the rules he will follow in there marriage. This paper will be kept by the bride for their entire marriage and he is supposed to follow it. Some of the things he wrote were: He would come home on time every night. He would help with the house hold chores. He would call her every day. He would tell her that he loves her every day. There were eight total but I can't remember all of them. He would then sign these rules with his thumb print.

The next two tasks I was unable to take photos of because there were so many people and not enough room. One of them involved moving dry beans from one plate to another using chopsticks. And the final task he had to figure out which shoes the bride was going to wear for the wedding. I guess he eventually guess correctly because then they came downstairs together.

 The bride wore a western style wedding dress. She was very beautiful and the groom very handsome.

 Now the bride and groom must give thanks to the brides parents before they can move to his house for the remainder of the wedding. 

 Now it is time for the bride to leave. They hold this basket type thing over her head to shield her from the god's. She is so beautiful and getting so much attention that she needs to be shielded so that the gods do not become upset.  

 In between this and the end of the wedding I didn't take any pictures, sorry. We went to the grooms house where they said thank you to his parents and worshiped, all in private. Then we waited until 6:30 for dinner... and it was an amazing dinner, it was at least 7 or 8 courses. There was live music and lots of wine and good company. It was a huge event, at least 200 people at the reception. So overall it was very different but similar in many ways to an American wedding.

 The bride and groom with her parents and his parents.

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