Monday, October 1, 2012

Friday night fun

On Friday Night Justin decided he wanted to go to the pet store for a fish tank so away we went! We have gone out alone on the bus before but it was always daytime. This time it was dark and I get a little jumpy at night. But we had fun and everything went well.

Waiting for the bus in the dark and not knowing for sure if or when it will come. It ended up taking about 15 -20 minutes but one came and off we went.

First stop MONEY!

This is a beautiful temple across the street from the ATM (bus stop).
It was hard to photograph because it was dark but I think you can see that it is beautiful.

This is the sidewalk. Sidewalks are turned into to scooter parking almost everywhere.

Dogs everywhere. Gramby I think you could use one of these for Sister.
There were three dogs in this one ;)

We found an ice cream shop. Yes they allow pets everywhere. Cute little guy .

Even big dogs!

Caramel Ice Cream Sundae. (mine)
Chocolate Sundae (Justin's)

Fruit Sundae (Noah's)

We found a group of high school girls at the ice cream shop. They wanted to practice
their English skills. They were so eager to talk to us but shy also.

Looking down the main street from a pedestrian overpass.

Love my guys now off to the pet store. It is Justin's favorite store.

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