Monday, October 22, 2012

Another week has passed

Another week has passed and while the weekdays involve mostly work and school the weekends are still busy and fun. This past Saturday night we were invited to go to our first night market. Night markets are a traditional part of Taiwan. We have never been to one because there isn't one in our town. They family that took us own a restaurant just down the road from our house. They feed us at least 3 times a week, because I don't cook much anymore. They are great people and we had a great time. 

Noah ate these yummy custard filled pastries. These were shaped like fish but not fishy in any way. 

Justin was eating Octopus and Noah is waiting for steak and noodles.

Meet our new friend Sean. He is in the first grade and already speaks very good English. He loved hanging out with Noah.

Corn chowder

Steak and noodles
Fried Stinky Tofu

Justin discovered that the tofu wasn't that bad. At least it tastes better than it smells.

These are they guys making our stinky Tofu

People EVERYWHERE! So many people in such a small place. I can imagine what the bigger cites are like.

This is one of the kid games that the adults like. The guy next to Noah is Joe, He runs the restaurant where we eat. The guy in the white is Mo Mo. His is Joe's Brother-in-law.

This is the game they were playing.

Now that the adults lost the kids can play :)

This is another game that the adults like. Toss the ring and if it lands on a bottle you get it. There were around 15 men playing at the same time. I don't know how they could tell their rings from the next one.

Duck head! Yum Yum.... NOT!

Actually none of this food looks good to me. Could be that it is all brown or could be that they are the parts that I don't normally eat!

Cute little dog.... He is Sams Chinese cousin!
On Sunday Noah had to go to the school for the Dragon Dance practice so Justin and I went to do some Christmas shopping and have a lunch date. While we were looking around town we happened to find a hardware store. It is called i-home but Justin swears it is a Home Depot. They even carried brand that are specific to Home Depot what ever that is. All I know is he enjoyed looking around the tool section. Silly guy.

When we got back to the school Noah was still practicing with his team. They were having fun. This dragon dance is a "Just say no" campaign the school is working on. It is so exciting that they asked Noah to be involved. I put three videos on youtube that you can watch if you like.

 We miss everyone and look forward to seeing everyone again. 

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