Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Justin and Noah's Busy weekend

This past Sunday was very busy for Justin and Noah. I decided to stay home so I could relax and have some quite time. I think they enjoyed there day. First we were invited on a bike ride with another couple. Of course the couple couldn't speak English so where they planned on taking us and for how long was all a surprise  I did notice that they had awesome bicycles and great leg muscles so I could guess that they took this seriously. After thinking about it a second or two I decided they would probably have more fun without me because I hate riding bikes, when I get home I don't plan on ever riding bikes again. So they left at 6 am and when they got back at 9 am they were dragging. Justin said that they went up a mountain bicycle trail and they were glad I decided to stay home because I would have hated it. After going up the mountain on the trail they came back down on the road! The road is very dangerous because it is not very wide and has lots of turns with no guardrail to keep you on the mountain. So glad I didn't go and that they went and had a great time.

After that trip Justin was ready to go back to bed but a fellow teacher of his stopped by the house and invited them to go catch crabs in the river. 

 I try to avoid this area whenever possible because the mosquitoes love me so much. It looks like they had a great time.
 Here are a few crabs that they caught.

And a frog!

 Here is Justin's prize find. He has been looking for a snake for two months now. This is a Chinese Green Tree Viper! It is venomous! 

More crabs

 Noah caught a tree frog.

 Every outing ends in good food!

 Noah likes the food.

 Then they went to a temple 
 This statue is gold plated. It is huge.
 A band riding around in a truck. Makes perfect sense to me.

  A puppet show.

 Another band.

Such a great day. Now time to go home to see Mommy.

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