Friday, October 5, 2012

First week in October

I love October. I love the fall and I love Halloween! I am missing those things this week. The weather has started to cool off here finally. It still reaches 85 degrees during the day but most nights have been in the upper 60's and low 70's which is very nice. We can still sleep with the windows open at night but at least it isn't in the 90's any more. Justin and I are trying to decide if we would like to have a Halloween party at our house this year. Everyone is is just a short 13 hour flight to get here :)

This week was my first week to work again. It was fun and hard at the same time. I was glad to be doing something during those 5 hours every weekday that I am home alone. But at the same time it was hard getting used to NOT taking a nap every day. I am working on a road project that is going to be very complicated and I do like the challenge. I was starting to feel like I was forgetting everything that I knew about my job but once I got started it all came back to me.

Noah had a rough week. He was sick Wednesday-Friday and is still feeling a little under the weather although he is getting better. I think he had a small sinus infection. The only thing he wanted to eat this week was some of his Kraft Mac and Cheese. And it had to have the garlic salt and pepper on it, just like his Papa fixed it. It made him feel better he says.  On top of that he started his first full week of homeschooling. We decided to go with an online program called Keystone. It is going to be challenging but I think it will be very good for him. Everything is online except for his Algebra book, they are shipping it to us. It should be here sometime next week. Until then he is working on Language, Social Studies, Science and Career Explorations online. He still attends Ying Pei for the afternoon for all of his electives, Music, Art, P.E. and maybe health. In the morning we are still going to Chinese lessons for 1 hour every day.

Justin had a trying week at school. He had to give oral exams to all, six hundred, of his students. He got all of them but five done. Those five students were absent so he will finish those next week. I think he said 2 or 3 of his classes everyone received an 100%. Each student was allowed only 2 or 3 minutes to take the exam.
They had to answer several questions in a complete sentience. But some of the students don't understand what a sentience is. So those students took a little longer than the allowed time. All in all I think it went ok and  he is just glad that he doesn't have to do that every week!

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