Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tainan, Taiwan

This past Sunday we were taken to Tainan, Taiwan to spend a day exploring nature. Tainan is two hours to the south of us on the east coast. Our main reason for going to Tainan was to see the Black-faced Spoonbill. This bird migrates through Taiwan every year in October and is an endangered species. These were amazing to see but they were so far off shore I couldn't take a picture. I borrowed a picture of the birds so you can see what we saw. They truly are beautiful birds.

borrowed from http://www.birdingintaiwan.org
Some of the other things we did while in Tainan were to go on a boat ride down a canal, I am not sure what the purpose of this ride was but I had fun anyway. I did get to hold a sweet little baby and everyone knows how much I enjoy holding babies :) After the boat ride we went to lunch and then we were off to see a salt mountain. The mountain is about six stories tall and  made entirely of salt. While there we had a salted ice cream bar... Noah didn't like it but it really wasn't bad at all, it wasn't to salty. We had a great day and got to see many new things. I love the exploring and traveling part of living in Taiwan!
 This tree was huge! It is called a Banyan Tree. 

 Heaven! See Brad they do have Starbucks here also!

 Yes they like to take silly pictures.

 Noah followed his nose to the doughnut shop! He NEEDED two... that is what he said.

 A morning break at a rest stop. Wow their rest stops are like small shopping malls. 

 This is a boat of complete strangers ;) this is what we came here to do.

 Justin found more crabs!

 No I don't think he wants to swim!

 I will wear this hat and be happy! It is too small but at least I am not going to get sunburned this time.

 First we need hats!

 Ready to set off!

 Noah and Gloria, the director of student affairs, at Justin's school.

 Yes we are having fun and yes I am very very hot! But I will keep a smile on my face so no one knows that I am melting!

 Passing another boat!

  This is the sweet baby that I got to hold. She climbed right into my lap, not scared at all. It made my day.

 Noah and our friend that went with us. She was very nice.

 This is a view of where we are headed. It is pretty I just wish it wasn't so darn hot that day.

 Say Cheese

 This is a temple next door to the boat ride. They are so beautiful here.

 Outside the temple the stone work is so detailed and amazing.

 Yes I am still wearing the hat! So cute! 

 Noah climbed the pile.

These are salt rocks from the base of the pile.

 Photo on top of the smaller pile of salt. That is Noah in the green shirt.

 This was a razorback statue. Not sure what it was for but Go Razorbacks!

 Now we have to go down. The stairs are not level they all lean down kind of making it scary to climb down. but we made it just fine.

 This is the view from the top of the salt mountain.

 This was a tile Mosaic and Justin and Noah wanted to stand on Taiwan.

 We are supposed to be looking at the birds! But Noah would rather play with the dog.

 Silly guys... They just can't resist a chance for a photo.

 These are the smallest bunch of bananas I have ever seen. They are about 2 inches long and shorter than my computer mouse. Noah has eaten a couple and says that they taste good!