Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunday is our fun day

This past weekend was another very busy and fun weekend. First, we decided to celebrate Noah finishing his  Algebra 1 and Science courses, kind of a half way done party! We headed to Caotun to take Noah to McDonalds (his choice) and buy him a video game because he has done so well this year with his schooling.

 After lunch we did a little shopping and look what Justin found! He just HAD to buy it.

After shopping we decided to take a tea break and look what Noah found while we were there! 

On Sunday we headed to Taichung with our friend Adrian. It was another great adventure. Our first stop of the day was to a place called The Rainbow Village. This artwork was the product of one man. He is currently 87 years old and still paining. It started as a hobby and quickly grew into this. Practically every building in the village is covered in the paintings. It is definitely worth seeing.

 Justin found a painting of himself! 

After our trip to the village we headed to the jade market to do a little shopping. 

Later we went to a store that sells swords and practice weapons. Noah had a blast! He didn't want to leave.

And for our last stop of the day we head to a park that has a beautiful pond area that has row boats for rent. We spent at least an hour playing on the water. It's not the Buffalo River but it sure was fun!

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