Sunday, May 5, 2013

Taipei once again!

This past weekend we had a nice relaxing weekend. Justin had to work on Saturday until 1:00 so we decided to take the remaining weekend to relax. We were able to visit with family and then we decided to go see the new Iron Man movie. The movie theater in Nantou city is older but it is still comfortable and inviting. It is neat because you only have to buy one ticket and you can stay all day. We wanted to see Iron Man 3, which we loved, and we also saw The Incredible Burt Wonderstone, we liked it also. 

OK so now everyone has been updated on our week I thought I would post some pictures of our last trip to Taipei. We went a couple of weeks ago just for the day. We decided to go with a tour group to see the flowers  We had no idea what flowers we were going to see but it didn't matter that much to us. Anytime we have an offer to go on an outing to trip we go. It really doesn't matter what it is we are going to see we just want to see as much as possible before we come home in a couple of months.

Our first stop was to a Buddhist temple to pray and then off to Taipei. There is always a stop at a temple with the tour group. I guess they want to make sure everyone is at peace before we get on the road. Below is a picture of Justin and Noah enjoying a small garden at the temple, it is so relaxing.

 We made it to our destination in the mountains in Taipei. It was so cloudy going up the mountain that day. I was glad that we made it up in one piece! I don't know how the bus driver could see anything. Anyway once we made it to the top we realized we were there to see the white Calla Lily flowers, they were everywhere. It was so beautiful to see.

Justin braving the mud to pick the perfect flower for me...He can be so sweet.

Noah picked one for me too. I am so lucky to have these two guys in my life.

Another beautiful view of the flowers, mountains and clouds! So different than our Arkansas home.

 After picking some flowers we walked around to see what we could find. Below are a couple of other plants we found.

 After being in the mountains our group headed to a market. We were surprised to see we had been here before! We came to this street when we first arrived in Taiwan! It was fun to look around and visit it again. After spending the last eight months in Taiwan we are starting to feel less like tourists and more like we belong here. But Gramby and Nana don't worry we are come home soon... We are not staying.

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