Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Noah's Week

The last few weeks have been very busy for us. I am putting in more hours at work so I am having a hard time keeping up with the blog. Noah is finishing up the end of his homeschooling year as well as more activities at the local school. And Justin is just hanging in there doing his best to teach and entertain over 600 teenage students 5 days a week. 

So this week I am focusing on Noah's activities.
 Last week there was a throwing competition for the 7th grade. There are seven 7th grade classes that participated in the competition. On the first day Noah's class tied for second place!!! Since there was not a clear 2nd place winner there would need to be a playoff the next day. On the second day Noah's class made third place! Way to go class 701 you did a good job.

 Because Noah's class is 701 they are in the front row. 

 The goal of the game is to knock down as many of the number tiles as possible. I can't remember but I think Noah knocked over two or three on the first day and maybe one on the second day.

 Go! Go! Go! Noah

On Friday evening the schools English drama group put on several plays. They performed Alice in Wonderland, The Three Little Wolves and a Say No To Drugs Dragon dance for the community. I shared Noah's dragon dance with a few people but for those of you that haven't seen it yet you can find here.

 This is Terry, he works in Justin's office.

 The dragon dance team preparing for the show.

 Noah is the bad man (drug dealer) in the dragon dance performance.

 This is the principal of Justin's school.

Noah with the dragon dance team.

 The Ying Pei choir group.

 The Three little wolves and the big bad pig.

 The flowers Lily, Rose, daisy and violet.

 Alice with The Cheshire Cat.

The white rabbit, the mad hatter, the march hare and Alice 

 Alice and the caterpillar

 The king and queen of hearts

 The Dragon Dance Team!

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