Monday, June 3, 2013

One HOT weekend

Good Morning Everyone,
This past weekend was VERY HOT! It is crazy how them weather went from winter to summer without a spring. Even though the heat has slowed us down we still had a couple of interesting things happen this weekend. First, we had some friends teach us how to cook a few of the delicious dishes that we have grown to love.  Thank you so much for taking the time to share your recipes with us.


 After the father taught us his fish and fried rice recipes we moved on to the mother and and her wonderful dumplings (also known as wontons in the U.S.).

 Check out this delicious meal!!! We did good!

On Sunday it was so hot we decided to stay home and in front of the fan. Well that is until around 1:00 when we had an earthquake! It didn't take long for us to run outside only to have Justin and Noah burn their feet on the very hot asphalt. But never fear.... We survived with no damage or injuries. I hope we can make it for the last month without another big earthquake.
And here is an interesting little piece of our life in Taiwan.  We have a large bird nesting in the tree in front of our house. They decided that they would let us take some pictures this weekend. There are two babies and a parent in the pictures. I am not sure what they are but they are pretty.

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