Tuesday, March 5, 2013

National Museum of Natural Science

 This past weekend we headed to the science museum in Taichung. This was the last weekend for the robot exhibition and we wanted to see it before it was gone. The museum also has six theaters including a 3D theater and an IMAX Space theater, next time we will visit one of the theaters. This time was our first visit to the museum so we went to see the robots, botanical Garden, life science hall and global environmental hall. So this long line that Justin and Noah are waiting in is for the robots. It moved very quickly into the robot exhibit but it was so packed inside that we move through quickly. We spent the rest of the day going through the museum. We were very impressed with all of the activities and exhibits. We had a great day and look forward to going again soon.

 They even had the Iron Giant! This was Noah's favorite movie when he was 3 or 4 years old.

Iron man!

 We didn't stick around the robot exhibit very long! Off to the museum, we were only allowed to take pictures in some areas. So this is not a complete documentation of our adventure.

 Can I take him home?

 Everything from bugs to bears and so much more.

 This butterfly kind of looks like a mosquito, but it is supposed to be a butterfly. It is outside the rain forest building which is in the botanical garden area.

 Noah behaving like a wild teenage animal!

 Waterfall inside the rain forest. 

Justin was very impressed with the size of these fish!

 The gardens are a beautiful place to take a break.

 Life of Pi...for those of you that don't know most of this movie was filmed in Taichung Taiwan.

 Teenager being silly!


 Justin and Noah playing with a bubble machine! They were trying to make it all the way up but it didn't quite work out... They made it halfway!

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